In a devastating incident that occurred in at the mid-night hours of Wednesday, October 16, 2024, gunmen among two other houses set ablaze mansion owned by High Chief Fidelis Akusinanwa  (Nwatakwochaaka Na Orsu), in Udah Village, Orsu-Ihiteukwa in Orsu LGA of Imo State. 

The estimated loss is over #900 million, including the destruction of valuable properties.

According to reports from, the attackers stormed Chief Akusinanwa’s two-story residence and mercilessly ignited the structure.

Sources indicate that these armed individuals, described as operating within   Orsu LGA, targeted the mansion, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

High Chief Fidelis Akusinanwa, known as Nwatakwochaaka Na Orsu, is the President General of Udadimma Welfare Association, the apex union of Udah Orsu-Ihiteukwa.

 Expressing his distress to Newsmen, he stated, “My house was set ablaze by the gunmen. This is a significant setback in my life, but I believe in God. This type of violence has become a daily struggle for us in Orsu.”

Chief Akusinanwa appealed to both the State and Federal Governments for assistance in combating the rampant insecurity in the region. 

“The gunmen are busy frustrating lives in Orsu. We are calling on the government to come to our aid and rescue us from this darkness,” he pleaded.

“I am not a politician; I don’t belong to any political party. I am a successful businessman based in Lagos State, and I frequently travel to Imo State. 

They looted and took away all my valuables, including my wife’s belongings,” he lamented.

Furthermore, Chief Akusinanwa reported that materials intended for his ongoing building project were also destroyed. 

“All the imported materials for my new palace, three generator sets, transformer cables for the community, and electric wires meant for my near-completed building were looted and set ablaze. I have lost properties worth over #900 million,” he added.

When questioned about the identity of the assailants, Chief Akusinanwa implicated the operators of the unknown gunmen ravaging his locales.

He stated, “We are tired of these inglorious activities in Orsu. We urge the government to take action against these bandits and seek peaceful resolution for the sake of our community.”

 their information department.

The tragic event highlights the urgent need for effective measures to address the growing insecurity in Orsu and protect its residents from further violence.

As of the time of this report, the Imo State Police Command had not provided a statement regarding the incident despite multiple attempts to contact

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