A Non Governmental Organization(NGO) that promotes the rights and welfare of girls and women in Nigeria, The Dorcas Foundation has vehemently condemned Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), saying that the practice has no health benefits for girls and women instead has overtime resulted to severe issues such as bleeding, urinating problems, psychological problems, menstrual difficulties, infections, painful sexual intercourse, as well as complications in childbirth and increased risk of newborn deaths.
The Founder, Dorcas Samson Achi speaking to Journalists in Owerri on February 5, during a sensitization road match in commemoration of the FGM day, described FGM as a total violation of the human rights of girls and women, including their rights to health, security and life.
It is appalling, she said that some health workers are greatly involved in the practice believing that it is safe when medicalized.
Dorcas joined the World Health Organisation (WHO) to urge health workers all over the globe not to perform FGM, instead to war against FGM and contribute their quota towards ending the heinous practice.
“Health Care Providers should be advocates for FGM abandonment within the hospital environment, their families and communities. It has been proven that FGM has no health benefits, instead it harms girls and women in many ways as it involves removing and damaging healthy and normal female genital tissue, interfering with the natural functions of girls’ and women’s bodies. This year’s awareness creation is to ingrave the dangers of FGM in the hearts of mothers, fathers and every member of the society. Let’s say NO to FGM”.
She further argued that the sociocultural and varying religious reasons behind FGM practice are not valid, maintaining that FGM which is erroneously often considered a necessary part of raising a girl, and a way to prepare her for adulthood and marriage, including controlling her sexuality to promote premarital virginity and marital fidelity, has done more harm and no good to the women involved, their husbands and the larger society.
Dorcas applauds WHO for actions taken so far to eliminate FGM medicalization as well as their partnership with organizations and countries to ensure its implementation in the world.