A Non-Governmental Organization known as Sister/Brothers True Love Group, on December, 30, 2024, stormed Umuofuga in Umuhu autonomous community, Okwuato, where they put smiles on the faces of residents of the area by distributing different kinds of Christmas gifts, including food items, clothes, shoes etc.
They also offered free medical services and gave drugs to those who were diagnosed with various minor ailments, as part of the Christmas and New year celebrations.
The event which was held at the Umuofuga Town Hall was well organized and meticulously supervised by members of the Sisters/Brothers True Love Group, who were elegantly dressed in sparkling black and red uniforms.
In his opening remark, the representative of Umuofuga community, Eugene Njoku, commended the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of the group Amb. (Prof) Jecinta Kelechi Hemjirika for her vision that hinged on her concern for the welfare of the indigent and less privileged. He also thanked her for fulfilling her promise to distribute palliatives for the Christmas and New year celebrations.
In her address, the National President and Global Chief Executive Officer of the group Ambassador (Prof) Kelechi Hemjirika, said, the group is an international body that goes about assisting the poor, indigent and less privileged in remote rural communities, providing succor particularly in this period of economic depression and socio-economic challenges.
She further said, “We thank the Almighty God who made it possible for us to arrive here successfully. We equally appreciate you, my people, for honouring our invitation. You know, I am a grandchild of this community because my grandmother hailed from here, Umuofuga, and I grew up here”.
After the distribution of the items, the people, filled with joy, happiness and excitement, actively participated in the praise and worship session which was followed by a short period of prayer..
One remarkable thing was the orderly manner that the palliatives were distributed. The beneficiaries comported themselves in a disciplined and orderly manner to the admiration of Hemjirika and her group who lauded their maturity and patience.
After the distribution of the food items and clothes, there was also a medical outreach through which the sick and the aged in the area received free medical attention where primary healthcare delivery was administered. Those who had issues like high blood pressure, malaria, pains, headaches, runny stomachs, cough, etc were taken care of while those diagnosed with secondary health challenges were advised to go to hospital to see medical doctors for effective treatment.
Chief Faustinus Njoku, an indigene of Umuofuga, who was highly elated, lauded Hemjirika for her kindness and good heart that made her provide the Christmas gifts.
It will be recalled that the NGO/Ministry’s headquarters is in Texas, USA, with branches in many countries and continents. The Sisters /Brothers True Love Group’s motto is “We lead, inspire and mentor men and women”. Its mission statement is, “To lead, inspire, and mentor men and women to open up by deploying their individual power, purpose and value in totality by taking responsibility for their lives and relationships in the environment. The S/BTLG works as a team to empower women to live the lives they love, igniting their purposes and passions to make positive contributions to the world that we live in. We believe this will end in feat in women and men’s world”.
Its vision statement is to “To identify with other unique hearts that will have the belief and commitment to enhance other people’s lives by respecting, valuing, diversity, committed to equality, empowering and supporting the less privileged citizens of our nation especially the motherless children, the elderly, the sick and poor in general. We are committed to a culture of teamwork, ideology, and collaboration in love, unity and peace”