In about 30 years Mbutu has been playing crucial roles in the socioeconomic, cultural, political and religious development of not just in Mbaise community but in Imo State in particular and Nigeria at large.

This is a part of the reason that, in a most colorful and glamorous event held last Saturday, August 16, 2024, at Mbutu Secondary School, the good and enterprising people of the area, historically and symbolically, re-elected Dr (Evangelist) Leo Obi Nwigwe as mayor of Mbutu. 

Obi Nwigwe is now the third and fourth mayor  of Mbutu. It will be recalled that Chief (Sir) Fan Ndubuoke was the first mayor who really defined the practical importance and true essence of that hallowed as well as peculiar office. 

After defining the standards and as well as putting in place what could be called “the pathway for Mbutu mayors, Ndubuoke who hails from Aronta was succeeded by Fan Njoku of Ozara. He eventually handedover to Obi Nwigwe from Amawo. 

If Ndubuoke was  brilliant and excellent at service delivery in his capacity as the mayor, Obi Nwigwe exhibited an extraordinary performance that was adjudged exceptional and superb by an overwhelming majority of Mbutu people, thus his re- election was easily made possible: he returned on – opposed. 

In view of the foregoing, the network of the masses of Mbutu and beyond, thronged to the venue of his re – emergence and it was majestically electrifying. There was jubilation all over the villages of Mbutu to mark his re – election. 

The four traditional rulers in the four autonomous communities, namely Mbutu, Mbutukwu, Mbutunwenkwo and Mbutunweorie, attended the epoch event that attracted people of all walks of life to Mbutu. 

A business tycoon and an employer of labour, Obi Nwigwe, the chairman, chief executive officer of LEOSKY Services Nigeria Limited, an oil servicing and consulting company, was elated and marvelled at the magnitude of honour bestowed on him by his people. 

“I am humbled. I am  elated. In fact, my people, the good people of Mbutu, have surprised me with this huge gathering and its attendant activities. My tenure got to its end but they unanimously insisted I must serve them for a second tenure – I am pleased to do their wish. I promise to work harder than ever before. I promise to be transparent. I promise to be fair and just. In all, the fear of God will be my article of faith and our fate will be determined by it. Together, we shall triumph”, he enthused. 

Obi Nwigwe called on the people to be law abiding even as he charged them to be responsible indigines and citizens  by obying the laws as enshrined in the constitution.