–         Says; Union Committed To Members’ Welfare

-Development Of Orlu Zone

An illustrious son of Orlu zone, High Chief C.E. Okoye (Ochendo na Omuma) Chairman, Orluzurumee inauguration planning committee in Germany, has commended the love and unity existing among the entire Orlu people in Germany, that led to the formation of Orluzurumee in Germany as the umbrella body of all Orlu groups that collapsed their structures to form Orluzurumee in Germany, with a central leadership. The development according to him, will further foster and enhance unity, love and mutual co-existence among members of the union.

Ochendo, also commended the executive of Orluzurumee in Germany led by Chief Nze C.I. Eze (Eze Chukwufuru na anya I of Ohakpu Kingdom), in Oru West Local Government Area. 

He expressed confidence in the ability of the leadership to deliver on the mandate given to them by members, who carefully elected them because of their impeccable character, reputation and integrity.

Eze, also stated that the union is passionately committed not only to the welfare of their members in Germany but also to the comprehensive development of Orlu zone in general.

When asked how the leadership of Orluzurumee in Germany will actualize the goal of developing Orlu zone, he said, though, it is not for him to unveil the well articulated programs of the executive, he is optimistic that Orluzurumee in Germany will not exclude or ignore the concept of “Aku ruo ulo”, pointing out that, despite the fact that the union comprises people of different political and religious affiliations such individual inclinations will not affect their collective interest in ensuring and contributing towards the socio-economic development of the union and Orlu zone.

He also used the opportunity to commend and appreciate the government, all the security agencies in the state and all sons and daughters of Orlu zone who contributed in different ways towards ensuring the prevailing relative peace and normalcy in Orlu zone, which was before now, ravaged by frightening insecurity with numerous attendant challenges.

Continuing, Ochendo, said, “I think the government should by now be more concerned about creating jobs for the teeming unemployed youths as a way of curbing insecurity because an idle mind, they say is the devil’s workshop.

He also expressed dismay over the attitude of some young people who are not willing to work or engage in honest and meaningful activities that will guarantee them a living but are rather more interested in making money through “the fast lane” which is neither sustainable nor dignified in the real sense of it.