By Jc Jan

Should we be worried about Eze George and Eze Eronini? Who ordered them to publish rubbish and name it “Communique”? Were they at gun point or did money exchange hands? Is it not like putting one’s signature in a public toilet? Why the “much ado about nothing”? Little did Obi-Mbieri know that some ndi eze can pursue shadow. “Ndi Eze, ha na eso achù oke?…”

Anywhere you have ndi-eze without wisdom, complication of simple matters become part of their daily routine. They major in minors and minor in majors. You cannot have these kind of ndi eze and expect a real community development. “Ejighi ekete ekute mmiri”(Chika Okpara, Ekwulobia).

Mbaitoli, where kings are, without Kingdom, and a Kingdom, without a king. (Atòò la Oma, òmara, atòò la Ofeke, ofenye isi n’ohia)

 Confusion and problem creators should not be asked to proffer solutions  to  squabbles, especially when it appears that they are benefiting from it.

The problem with their worthless Communique:

1.       Eze George Eke and Eze Eronini are aware that Eze Osuji has not been seen in public for years.

It was around first week of December 2023 that these same people knowingly deceived the entire people of Obi-Mbieri that Eze Osuji has fully recovered and will be coming back to celebrate with us on the 26th of December 2023.

Following their successfully manufactured lies against Obi-Mbieri people, and in particular, against Professor KC Ndikom, a very respected Chief Onuoha, popularly known as ASHOCK, who is also a very long time good friend of Eze Osuji wrote:

“It is well with you,  Your Royal Highness, Eze Dr. J. N. Osuji, Ezeukwu 1 of Obi-Mbieri,  we are all waiting to welcome you back to the Palace after a long time of absence as a result of ill health, Glory be to God for your recovery IJN Amen congratulations. Ashock.” (published 7th of December 2023 @ 05:54 “Obi-Mbieri Autonomous”)

On the 26th of December 2023, Mr. Uchenna Onuoha, an indigenous frequent contributor to the affairs of Obi-Mbieri wrote: “…the bottom line is that our Eze is calling us today”(published 26th December 2023 @07:07 “Obi-Mbieri Autonomous”)

The hope of all our people who genuinely wanted to see their highly respected Eze Osuji back and in good health were dashed when they saw Eze George Eke instead of Eze Osuji. History has it that it was on that same day that the son of Eze Osuji started addressing our people using not only our Eze’s Palace but also the throne.  This type of sacrilege is still crying for a Communique from Eze George Eke and Eze Eronini. It is a taboo and an abuse melted on Obi-Mbieri people and their citadel of power. It requires a Communique from these people. HRH Eze George Eke ònò n’ ùlò ewu amùò n’ òbù?

The same Eze is again telling us that our Eze Osuji is “…recuperating fast”. What a good news! GREAT! That’s the wish of everyone in Obi-Mbieri. To behold our Eze Osuji, celebrate with him and have him address us in his usual wisdom, face to face.

The problem with this information is it’s authenticity, reliability, accuracy and believability. The source of this information is highly questionable. Since December 2023, everyone in Obi-Mbieri Autonomous community has earned the right to doubt, the right not to take seriously, anything that comes from HRH Eze George Eke or any council he chairs. Asòkata eze anya, ekpuru nkata gwa ya okwu. As one becomes a painter by painting, one also become a liar, by lying.  

2.       “…he appointed one chief Kyrian Ndikom as the Traditional Prime Minister (TPM) of Obi-Mbieri”. To do what?  …”to enable him carry out some of his indispensable functions…” For how long?  “within this  period of his absence.” You cannot know this truth and still issue what has been declared as a “useless” Communique. A worthless Communique cannot reprobates for you what you have already approbated.

3.       The fear of professor KYRIAN  NDIKOM is the beginning of useless Communique. A Communique designed for deformation of a good and wonderful character. A Communique full of lies, falsehood, jealousy, gossip, hatred against the TPM of Obi-Mbieri, Prof. KC NDIKOM. This is a man of pedigree. A man who has distinction in ethics and morals. A prof. for that matter. A man love by Eze Osuji. A man love by his Village Heads. A man love by his people home and abroad. A man full of knowledge and wisdom. It doesn’t matter the amount of “lie compilation” against him, it will not change the love Obi-Mbieri Autonomous community has for him.

This number 3. of the compilation of lies called Communique, made it clear that Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM is the Traditional Prime Minister of Obi-Mbieri. They have no issue with him acting for Eze Osuji. Their evil claim here is what I called “transfer of taboo” or “transfer of sacrilege”.

The God in heaven, the God of our land, will not forgive the two traditional “ruiners” for putting their signatures in evil conspiracy, unless they repent and rewrite their number three (3) as follows:

“ That the Mbaitoli Traditional council has observed with dismay the act of Eze Osuji’s son in laying claim to the stool and parading himself as the Eze Obi-Mbieri with gross disregard to the sanctity of the stool and flagrant disrespect and dishonour  to HRH Eze Osuji and the good people of Obi-Mbieri

This act is completely unacceptable by the council.”

Again, let it be known to the public that Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM does not make use of Eze Osuji’s Palace. He does not use the Stool. He does not use our Eze’s compound for any representation. Eze George Eke has visited our Eze’s compound more than our TPM.

They used their Communique to transfer the taboo, sacrilege, abomination, disrespect and dishonour committed in their presence to Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM.

If Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM in his acting capacity for  Eze Osuji did anything wrong, be rest assured that Obi-Mbieri has a good system of governance in place to call him to order, not an ill-written communique by eye-service monarch. Whose eyes are they servicing?

4.        They fully admitted that they are behind the problem in Obi-Mbieri. They are behind the fraudulently written sack letter. “we are fully behind on that action…” which action? The action of removing Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM as the Traditional Prime Minister of Obi-Mbieri.

These people are not from Obi-Mbieri but they come in and out planting confusion and disunity. Their mission is to “plunge Obi-Mbieri into unbelievable break down of law and order” but thank God for our TPM, PG, Village Heads, all the women groups, the youths and the entire people of Obi-Mbieri.

They utter rubbish in public without shame: Eze Osuji is “recuperating fast” and you are working day and night to remove the only TPM that he appointed to act for him. Why are you in a rush? Our Eze that appointed him is coming very “fast” to “dis-appoint” him in accordance with the Constitution of Obi-Mbieri. So, why are you panicking? Why are you drinking paracetamol for Obi-Mbieri’s headache?

5.         Worthless Communique number five (5)

Eze George Eke and Eze Eronini admitted their awareness that in Obi-Mbieri Autonomous community, it is ONLY Eze Osuji who has the right to appoint or “dis-appoint” a Traditional Prime Minister, and yet they shamelessly admitted in public of being behind an illegal and fraudulently attempted removal of an outstanding Traditional Prime Minister who has made a distinction in Morality and intellectualism by any human standard.

6.       These are “Ezes” who say what they cannot prove and prove what they cannot say. There is no prove anywhere that they are “in continuous contact with” Eze Osuji …”through phone calls and video call”.

One of the consequences of destroying our cultures and traditions is that these “Ezes” are now relying on Government approvals for their kingship and Kingdom. “Ihe ala so nsò.

Let it be stated here categorically, that the office of our Eze Osuji has NEVER been in context.

No matter how they cook this food of evil conspiracy, do not eat it. “Eze nwùò, eze anòchie” is one of those ancient adage well known by every and any Igbo person.

7.       The manifestation of these “ezes” evil plot against the TPM of Obi-Mbieri and the entire people of Obi-Mbieri is made crystal clear in number seven (7) of their worthless Communique.

(A)    They are aware that Obi-Mbieri has no functional Eze by any standard. That was why Eze Osuji in his wisdom appointed a professor, so that in his absence, through the acting capacity of the Traditional Prime Minister, his functionality will be intact until his return.

(B)   Now, they have told us in “public” that their failed evil and fraudulent plot to remove the TPM of Obi-Mbieri, is sustained. Which makes no sense and doesn’t change anything anyway.

(C)  They have failed in their useless Communique,  hence, they “are in continuous contact with Eze Osuji”  what prevented them from telling the public who Eze Osuji appointed as the “new” or if they like, “main” Traditional Prime Minister of Obi-Mbieri. The reason is simple,  there is ONE and  ONLY   name. (Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM)

This means there’s no functional Eze in Obi-Mbieri

There is no Traditional Prime Minister in Obi-Mbieri or anyone representing an Eze who is on “medical leave.” They have shown no respect to Obi-Mbieri Village Heads.

These were the sponsors of “eze shi, eze shi” gone for good era. They are now fighting back but it’s too late.

What they meant for Obi-Mbieri was anarchy and doom but thank God for the outright rejection by Obi-Mbieri Autonomous community. “Ala arighi nma” will also be “ùrù ndi eze”

8.       In reaction to number eight (8) of the useless Communique, let it be known to the members of the public that Eze Osuji is full of wisdom and intelligent. Rascality is not part of his modus operandi. He does not hire in order to fire. A man of peace and order and therefore, not “fully behind the action” of removal of Obi-Mbieri Traditional Prime Minister. For, we know that he does not approbate and reprobates. He is above all, the custodian of Obi-Mbieri Autonomous community Constitution.

If these “ezes” recognised professor KYRIAN NDIKOM before, they can’t de-recognise him. If they have not, they don’t need to recognise him. Eze Osuji recognised him, ndi Obi-Mbieri recognised him, etc.

It is a waste of time to attend any class that will teach the worth or the importance of any recognition coming from any  council chaired and “secretaried” by Eze George Eke and Eze Eronini respectively.

There is enough reason to believe that they use their office to lend voices to all atrocious acts in Obi-Mbieri. Who knows else where?

9.       What the members of the public and the good people of Obi-Mbieri will take note of:

(!)   Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM is the Traditional Prime Minister of Obi-Mbieri Autonomous community.

(!!)   Eze Osuji is the ONLY EZE who has the absolute authority to sack him in accordance with the provisions of the CONSTITUTION of Obi-Mbieri Autonomous community.

(!!!)   Obi-Mbieri Autonomous community  has ONLY one Eze, HRH Eze Osuji.

(!V)    All the allegations mentioned against Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM in the “useless” Communique are falsely manufactured, devilishly sponsored  and hurriedly published.

(V)  That Eze George Eke and Eze Eronini are in continuous contact with Eze Osuji is a joke that has gone too far.

(V!) Eze George Eke and Eze Eronini do not have any right, legally or morally to act, or speak for Eze Osuji or the good people of Obi-Mbieri Autonomous community. “E kere òru eke”.

Surely, asking them to have the decency to keep to their lane is not asking too much.

(V!!)  There is sufficient evidence for enrolment in the school of thought which believed that Eze Eronini and Eze George Eke, for some dubious reasons, refused to understand the common sense knowledge that “eze anaghi ebi ikpe n’otu olu.”  (eze bie ikpe n’otu olu, mgbe ahu ò bùrù eze-amaghi ekpe. I nù otu olu, I gba n’otu aka, I nù n’olu n’abùò, I gba n’aka n’abùò wee mara ihe I g’ekpe, EZE,  E BINE IKPA N’OTU OLU EE (Chief Pericoma of great Arondizuogu)

(V!!!)  On the day of taboo and sacrilegious event, Eze George Eke, not only that he was in Obi-Mbieri, he was in the compound where the abomination took place, if he was not lending support to people who are destroying our laws, culture and tradition, in Obi-Mbieri why is there no Communique in condemnation? “Okenye huru aru, ekwuhùù, mgbe òga‘wuu, ya ebido n’anya rewa-ure”

More importantly, why did they accuse our Traditional Prime Minister of same crime openly committed by our Eze’s son? Even when he was not in attendance.

(IX)  The problem in Obi-Mbieri is not Eze Osuji. He is the ONLY eze.

The problem in Obi-Mbieri is not the Traditional Prime Minister, Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM.

The problem in Obi-Mbieri is election election election.

No one is contesting to be “eze Osuji”

No one is contesting to be “Professor KYRIAN NDIKOM” 

Hence, the said council has used the opportunity given to them to look into the “election” matters in Obi-Mbieri as a personal vendetta, the permission to declare them “no-good” to Obi-Mbieri, “no-good” for Obi-Mbieri” and “no good” in Obi-Mbieri has been granted and any objection, overruled.