–         Calls For Provision Of Necessary Amenities At Omuma Single Campus Before Another Relocation

The Non Academic Staff Union NASU, Imo State Polytechnic chapter has faulted the decision of the Imo State government to decentralize and make polytechnic a multi campus-oriented institution.

The union expressed its grouse against the multi campus arrangement in a release issued by the chairman, Dr M.I Opara and made available to the press.

He expressed dismay over the way the law which was amended to pave way for the institution’s multi campus arrangement made provision for campuses at Orlu, Mbano and Ikeduru. Yet, the Ikeduru campus has uptill date, not seen the light of day, even when the staff have been posted to the facility.

Continuing, he said, “surprisingly, the state government once again, through an executive bill, requested the Imo State House of Assembly to further amend the Imo Poly Law to make provision for the abolition of the multi-campus system that had drastically reduced the capacity and standing of Imo Poly, in terms of student enrollment by no other person, but Dr Wence Madu (former Rector) who presided over the initial multi-campus law and eventual disintegration of the institution that was waxing strong and growing in leaps and bounds”.

The NASU Chairman, who outlined the challenges staff and students will face in the course of relocating from their abodes in Orlu and Mbano to the Omuma single campus called on the State government to, as a matter of urgency ensure that necessary facilities, including cheap and affordable accommodation or alternatively a housing scheme, proximity of staff and student’s residence to the school, functional telecommunications facilities, affordable means of transportation, etc.

NASU, in the release, said, “the committee’s task which is to fashion out modalities that will ensure the smooth and effective relocation of both human and material resources from the Orlu and Mbano campuses to the Omuma campus has been elicited diverse reaction, considering the challenges and opportunities involved, our interest are the challenges and possible solutions which members of the committee and the government should take cognizance of, as follows:

“The union is advocating for a staff housing scheme in response to the relocation; Without delay, the government should conduct a comprehensive assessment of the housing situation for staff, considering factors such as affordability, availability, and proximity to the new facility. Gather data on the current housing conditions of staff members, including commuting distances, housing costs, and any existing challenges they face. There are potential challenges and hardships staff members may face in relocating without access to affordable and suitable housing options near the new facility. Thus ,the importance of providing staff with housing support to ensure their well-being, job satisfaction, and ability to effectively perform their duties in the new location.

Government Support in Improving Telecommunication Network for Imopoly Workers; The government as a matter of urgency should provide assistance in improving the telecommunication network infrastructure within our institution. As valued employees committed to delivering quality education and research, access to reliable communication services is essential for our professional and personal well-being.

At present, our institution faces significant challenges related to the telecommunications network, which directly impacts our ability to effectively carry out our duties and responsibilities. These challenges include but not limited to poor connectivity. The current telecommunication infrastructure within the institution suffers from frequent disruptions and poor connectivity, leading to dropped calls, slow internet speeds, and unreliable communication channels.

Investment in Infrastructure; We urge the government to allocate funds and resources for the improvement and expansion infrastructure within the institution, including the building of staff offices, building of laboratories, the installation of new towers, upgrading of equipment, and implementation of modern technologies to labour productivity and enhanced research and learning.

Proper remuneration and implementation of promotions backed by finance; Attention should be given to proper remuneration and implementing promotions for workers. this will enhance increased Job Satisfaction, Improved Motivation and Productivity, Career Growth and Development and Employee Loyalty and Retention.

Implementing these practices creates a positive feedback loop where employees are motivated and engaged, leading to better performance and a more robust, loyal workforce.

Enrollment of pensioners into the pension scheme; Union is passionately appealing to the government to provide assistance for the capturing and enrollment of Imopoly pensioners in the pension scheme of the state. This will enable Imopoly pensioners to join there counterparts in the state to benefit from the state gratuity payment.

Transportation scheme for staff. A good transport scheme for IMOPOLY workers is imperative for several reasons: these included but not limited to accessibility, ensuring that students and staff can easily reach the institution, promoting punctuality and reducing absenteeism. As the unification of the campuses is projected, the expectation of NASU is that government should without delay provide the necessary infrastructure in this respect.

We appreciate the wisdom of the government of Imo state on rethinking and rejiging the Imopoly and wish that the needful is done. We employ the attention of the government on the issues raised to ensure industrial harmony and its sustenance.