Report of the alleged diversion of 65 bags of rice being part of the palliative materials for Orlu people by their lawmaker, Hon Martin Ihezuo, has taken a different dimension, as Nigeria Watchdog Newspaper, has responded to the letter by the Imo State House of Assembly inviting the Publisher, to its executive session on Tuesday, June, 11, 2024.

Nigeria Watchdog Newspaper lawyer, N.O. Chukwuezi Esq, in a letter dated June, 8, 2024, with the caption, “RE: IMO STATE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (10TH HOUSE, THIRD ASSEMBLY, FIRST SESSION) RESOLUTION NO. 55, INVITATION TO THE EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE HOUSE”, said in part, “Our instruction shows that you sent our client a letter with the above title on Friday, 6th June, 2024 inviting him to the Executive Session of! the House of Assembly on Tuesday, 11th June, 2024 over an alleged complaint by a member of the House.

“We note with concern that just recently this same: House barred the correspondent of our client’s newspaper from covering the proceedings of the ,House, nay,,from even being seen within its precincts for no just cause. We also note that the issue of inviting a private citizen and publisher to a Legislative Assembly for an issue not related to law making or the oversight function of the House has beep settled long ago in Tony Momoh v. Senate of the National Assembly & 2 Ors. [1981] 1 NCLR 105 at 114 wherein it was held that no such power inheres in the House.

“Against the above backdrop therefore, we advise that you kindly withdraw your invitation to our client. The complaint by your member for which our client has been invited to the House is obviously private and personal. The member should rather be encouraged to invite in aid the channels the. law has provided; for him to remedy any personal grievance he might have against anyone rather than dragging the entire Honourable House of Assembly into it. We already have our client’s instructions to activate the law in this regard should you treat our olive branch with disdain. However, we believe that there is no need for that as we have doubt in our minds that the House of Assembly that makes laws will definitely be in the vanguard of upholding the law rather than to desire to have a brush with it. We urge you to let wisdom prevail.

“Thank you for your understanding and co-operation”.

“One the other hand, the Imo State House of Assembly, in a letter dated June, 6, 2024, and signed b the Clerk/Head, Legislative Service Chinelo Adaora Emeghara Esq, said and addressed to the Publisher, Nigeria Watchdog Newspaper, said, “I wish to convey to you, the Imo State House of Assembly Resolution No. 55 passed during its sitting of Thursday 6th June, 2024.

“During the said sitting, the House resolved to invite you to its Executive Session on Tuesday 11th June, 2024 at to brief the House on the publication of the Nigerian Watchdog Newspaper dated 4th June, 2024 against the Honourable Member representing Orlu State Constituency, Hon. Barr. Ikenna Ihezuo.

“Please accept, assurances of the Rt. Hon. Speaker’s highest regards”.

“Most Imolites who commented on the development expressed disappointment at the way the legislators overlooked more pressing problem confronting Imo people to dabble into mundane issues that have no impact on those whose mandate they are exercising in trust.

“What has the House done, to compel the Governor to conduct Local Government election? What did they do about the Governor’s frequent travels and absence from the state that gulp a good chunk of the state’s resources, not to talk of the non payment of pensions and gratuity to deserving citizens etc”?