High Chief Mike Obioha
High Chief (Sir)Mike Okamigbo Obioha, has counseled world leaders especially the so-called super powers to see Coronavirus as God’s way of ridiculing their self- acclaimed indestructibility and invincibility.
He contended that with Coronavirus,the super powers have suddenly woken up to the stark reality that God is Supreme being and we all are mere spectators and mortals.
He said that the sooner the inhabitants of the earth learn that we are interdependent to each other, the better.The British trained Technocrat, called on super powers to be more circumspect and compassionate than ever.He said,“That’s a lesson for the world, for the Colonial Masters to learn”, that Coronavirus has eventually made them helpless and powerless.
According to the Imo’s elder stateman, he does not understand why the super powers rather than invest in Africa, to develop and improve the lots of the people,they invest in military hardware, believing so much in their military might to harass the world.
He also blamed the developed nations for inability to develop Africa as much as they did for their various countries after exploiting and exploring our potentials. “They should put some of their investments in Africa so as to create an egalitarian society where hunger should not be the problem or bane of the common man”, he emphasized.
On the so-called religious leaders, Obioha observed that because of their greedy nature and disposition, religious leaders have stopped preaching salvation for prosperity. “They should come together to create new world order where there is equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities”. He also called on the Nigerian politicians to refrain from accumulating excessive public wealth to themselves at the expense of the common person. He does not understand why stealing is common among the leaders rather than selfless services.
He recalled that in time past, one could park his car at Yaba and attend a night club outside Yaba and still come back to pick up his car in the morning without armed robbers vandalizing or stealing the car,saying that the society has changed so much in the negative.
He predicted that should Coronavirus last for yet another one year, the entire world would collapse completely and all that wealth stashed away by our political leaders will come to naught, counseling them on the need to leave legacies of good records of achievements and services to humanity
He called for caution on the way our people live their lives, citing an example with himself,” though I can afford three or more private drivers, I drive himself even at 75 years of age”.
He identified the problem of Nigerian politicians as lack of knowledge and the acquisition syndrome that blinds our leaders from doing away with excessive wealth that they hardly need.
The hospitality industry maestro,Sir Obioha finally commended Imo State governor,senator Hope Uzodinma for establishing a Coronavirus centre at Sam Mbakwe International Cargo Airport, Owerri.
According to him,Uzodinma has taken a proactive measure to address the pandemic and should be lauded by every Imolites for such initiative.